Motorised fire & smoke control ventilation dampers
What are motorised fire & smoke dampers?
Motorised fire and smoke dampers are designed to be installed within the HVAC ductwork in line with fire wall and fire & smoke barriers.
They prevent the spread of fire or smoke inside residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Motorised fire and smoke dampers also prevent the passage of flame/ smoke from one side of a fire rated partition to the other. Â
Importance of motorized fire & smoke dampers:
- Motorised fire/ smoke dampers effectively isolate fire/ smoke zones; ensuring fire fighting access routes are clear of fire and smoke and in case of ventilation systems turned off, these dampers still offer protection against the spread of fire and smoke.
- During fire, the thermal fusible link automatically closes damper in response to high temperatures in immediate vicinity.
All our fire & smoke control dampers have been designed to ensure efficient, safe and reliable operation. All our dampers and associated products are manufactured to the highest quality and in accordance with ISO 9001 certification standards.Â

Air conditioning/ HVAC dampers are devices that control the flow of air in ducts, vents, or chimneys. They can be used to regulate the temperature, humidity, or quality of the air in different zones of a building or a house. HVAC dampers can be manual or automatic, depending on whether they are operated by a handle, a thermostat or a sensor.
HVAC dampers can also have different shapes and sizes, such as round, rectangular or iris shaped. HVAC dampers are important components of an efficient and comfortable air conditioning system.
Fire / Smoke Dampers
A fire damper is a device that prevents the spread of fire and smoke through ducts, walls, floors, or ceilings. Fire
dampers are usually installed in HVAC systems, where they automatically close when a certain temperature is reached
or when a fire alarm is triggered. Fire dampers can be classified into two types: dynamic and static. Dynamic fire
dampers are designed to withstand air pressure and airflow, while static fire dampers are not. Fire dampers must be
inspected and tested regularly to ensure their proper functioning and compliance with fire codes / building regulations.
Volume Control Dampers
A volume control damper is a device that regulates the airflow in a duct system. It consists of a movable blade or plate
that can be adjusted to increase or decrease the amount of air passing through a section of the duct. Volume control
dampers are used to balance the air distribution in different zones of a building, to control the temperature and humidity
and to save energy by reducing the fan speed or shutting off the air supply when not needed.
For more information on fire & smoke control dampers and their use, please visit the wiki page.